
Migrate from Firebase Auth to Supabase

Migrate Firebase auth users to Supabase Auth.

Supabase provides several tools to help migrate auth users from a Firebase project to a Supabase project. There are two parts to the migration process:

  • firestoreusers2json (TypeScript, JavaScript) exports users from an existing Firebase project to a .json file on your local system.
  • import_users (TypeScript, JavaScript) imports users from a saved .json file into your Supabase project (inserting those users into the auth.users table of your Postgres database instance).

Set up the migration tool

  1. Clone the firebase-to-supabase repository:

    git clone

  2. In the /auth directory, create a file named supabase-service.json with the following contents:

    "host": "",
    "password": "secretpassword",
    "user": "postgres",
    "database": "postgres",
    "port": 5432

  3. Go to the Database settings for your project in the Supabase Dashboard.

  4. Under Connection parameters, enable Use connection pooling and set the mode to Session. Replace the Host and User fields with the values shown.

  5. Enter the password you used when you created your Supabase project in the password entry in the supabase-service.json file.

Generate a Firebase private key

  1. Log in to your Firebase Console and open your project.
  2. Click the gear icon next to Project Overview in the sidebar and select Project Settings.
  3. Click Service Accounts and select Firebase Admin SDK.
  4. Click Generate new private key.
  5. Rename the downloaded file to firebase-service.json.

Save your Firebase password hash parameters

  1. Log in to your Firebase Console and open your project.
  2. Select Authentication (Build section) in the sidebar.
  3. Select Users in the top menu.
  4. At the top right of the users list, open the menu (3 dots) and click Password hash parameters.
  5. Copy and save the parameters for base64_signer_key, base64_salt_separator, rounds, and mem_cost.

hash_config {
algorithm: SCRYPT,
base64_salt_separator: Aa==,
rounds: 8,
mem_cost: 14,

Command line options

Dump Firestore users to a JSON file

node firestoreusers2json.js [<filename.json>] [<batch_size>]

  • filename.json: (optional) output filename (defaults to ./users.json)
  • batchSize: (optional) number of users to fetch in each batch (defaults to 100)

Import JSON users file to Supabase Auth (Postgres: auth.users)

node import_users.js <path_to_json_file> [<batch_size>]

  • path_to_json_file: full local path and filename of .json input file (of users)
  • batch_size: (optional) number of users to process in a batch (defaults to 100)


For more advanced migrations, including the use of a middleware server component for verifying a user's existing Firebase password and updating that password in your Supabase project the first time a user logs in, see the firebase-to-supabase repo.



Contact us if you need more help migrating your project.